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Donations and Fundraising

All donations are greatly appreciated
Whether a one-off or regular and no matter the amount


Your donation could help towards the following:

  • allowing low income families to access individual/group trips and outings which would otherwise be outside their financial means
  • train a volunteer who can provide vital support to an isolated family
  • support a local family through difficult times

How can I donate?

  • online via JustGiving with  one-off or regular contributions;
  • by cheque, payable to Home-Start Edinburgh;
  • in person, by visiting our office, Duncan Place Community Hub, 4 Duncan Place, Edinburgh, EH6 8HW; and
  • when shopping, try and use retailers who participate in the easyfundraising scheme as this will give a percentage of your purchase to Home-Start Edinburgh

Your donation and fund-raising efforts will make a difference to the families that we assist!

Easy Fundraising

Easy Fundraising is a scheme that allows you to choose a good cause you wish to support while you shop online. While shopping online with retailers that are members of the scheme your cause  will receive free donations.

You can find out more and sign up for this scheme using the button below and we invite you to choose Home-Start Edinburgh as your cause.

Donations can help pay for the following…

£5 could provide a healthy snack for a child at a Family Support Group

£10 could cover the travel expenses of one of our valuable volunteers

£30 could allow a family to attend a Baby Massage course

£100 could support us to organise an exciting trip for our families

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The earliest years make the biggest impact, make sure those years count


Starting in the home, our approach is as individual as the people we help


We give compassionate, confidential help and expert support


Sharing local expertise can drive local, regional and national change

Home-Start Edinburgh Needs Donations and Support To Aid its Work in the Community

Quality Assured Badge

Quality Assurance

Home-Start Edinburgh are proud to have received
a Certificate of Quality Assurance from Home-Start UK.